Leeds Community Foundation is the region’s largest independent funder. For nearly 20 years the Foundation has generated philanthropic giving and leveraged statutory funding to support local community organisations.
When Steph Taylor became CEO, she took the reins of a well-respected local institution with an established team and business model. Despite this, the Foundation faced unprecedented challenges due to the economic landscape and its short-term income streams.
Years of austerity, a global pandemic and a cost-of-living crisis meant inequality threatened the whole city’s long-term social and economic prospects. The Foundation had to adapt its strategy to address rising inequity at a local level.
Steph had been a director at the Foundation for three years before becoming CEO so was well placed to understand what needed to change. A new strategy was in development before Steph became CEO so her task was to ensure it drove a significant strategic shift. That shift would take time to design and embed so she turned to Jo at ThinkforWellbeing to help build a case for change that would inspire and motivate the Foundation’s team and partners.