Developing a strategy that’s fit for
the future of philanthropy.

Leeds Community Foundation is the region’s largest independent funder. For nearly 20 years the Foundation has generated philanthropic giving and leveraged statutory funding to support local community organisations.

When Steph Taylor became CEO, she took the reins of a well-respected local institution with an established team and business model. Despite this, the Foundation faced unprecedented challenges due to the economic landscape and its short-term income streams.

Years of austerity, a global pandemic and a cost-of-living crisis meant inequality threatened the whole city’s long-term social and economic prospects. The Foundation had to adapt its strategy to address rising inequity at a local level.

Steph had been a director at the Foundation for three years before becoming CEO so was well placed to understand what needed to change. A new strategy was in development before Steph became CEO so her task was to ensure it drove a significant strategic shift. That shift would take time to design and embed so she turned to Jo at ThinkforWellbeing to help build a case for change that would inspire and motivate the Foundation’s team and partners.

Steph said:

“The Foundation needed someone to act as the glue between an outgoing and incoming CEO, and the Board. We needed someone to challenge and support us, to see not only a new aspirational strategy evolve but make our business model change and thrive to give the Foundation the best chance possible of survival in the long-term.”

Jo’s first step was to do the necessary research that would build a collective understanding of the challenges and opportunities the Foundation faced – both internally and externally. Jo laid the groundwork for change without imposing opinions on the team. She enabled the team to take ownership of the strategy and implement it confidently because they understood why change was needed and what it meant for the city – not just their own objectives and targets.Jo played a crucial role listening to colleagues across the Foundation – from board to back office – playing back their ideas and concerns, so they were included and felt heard.

With Jo’s patient and collaborative support Leeds Community Foundation’s strategy evolved and iterated over nine months. Jo helped facilitate a seamless transition from the previous strategy and enabled Steph to lead effectively from the start.Once Jo helped set the strategy, she then helped teams craft their delivery plans to make the strategy a reality.

The results

  • An engaged and eager board of trustees
  • A CEO with a confident vision of how to make Leeds a fairer city
  • A strategy that’s fit for the future of philanthropy
  • A team that understands the direction of travel and their role in getting there

Steph said:

“Jo is a dependable and skilled strategist, adept at navigating complex environments and the evolving needs of organisations. I’d recommend ThinkforWellbeing services to any leader in need of a safe pair of hands to guide them through significant internal or external transformations.”


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